Sustainability Spotlight
Water On The Farm
On a dairy farm, water is as essential as the air we breathe. It’s vital for keeping cows hydrated, cleaning facilities, and growing the crops that feed the cows. But did you know that water on a dairy farm gets a third, fourth, or even fifth life before it’s retired? That’s right, water reuse is a big deal on dairy farms, and here’s how it works.
First, the water may be used to cool the milk from the cow. After milking, but before the truck picks up the milk, the temperature must remain below 40°F. This protects the quality of the milk. In order to get it cool quickly, water runs over a plate, exchanging heat with the milk and making it the right temperature.
Water then may be used to feed cows to keep them hydrated. Milk is actually around 87 percent water, so it’s important that cows themselves get enough of it.
If not used for drinking, the water may have life to keep cows cool through sprinkler systems. On hot days, many Maola farms keep cows cool by activating sprinklers when barns hit specific temperatures.
That water can be collected again and used to wash down the barn. Keeping barns clean is an important daily job for farmers and typically, the water used at this stage has been used somewhere else before.
But the cycle doesn’t end there. The crops grown using this recycled water are harvested and fed back to our cows. It’s a full-circle moment that shows just how smart and sustainable dairy farming can be.
By reusing water multiple times, dairy farms not only save this precious resource but also contribute to a healthier environment. It’s a testament to the ingenuity and responsibility that modern dairy farmers bring to the table every day as they care for their livestock and the land.
So the next time you enjoy a glass of Maola Milk, remember that it’s not just the result of milk from healthy cows. It’s also a product of water that’s been used wisely and well, in a cycle of sustainability that keeps on giving.